Cougar's Luck (Pacific Northwest Cougars Book 2) Read online

Page 14

  Everett didn’t even ask why, he just hung up. She knew he was probably running to her, and she was right, because the door burst open a very short time later.

  Everett’s face was scared and angry as he ran his eyes over the room, then sniffed loudly, zeroing in on the box on her desk.

  Walking up to the desk he saw the note and the heart.

  “Fucking hell, Duchess. I told you this asshole was not done.” He said this in an angry tone but still wrapped her in his arms. She was strong, but this still was fucked up and shook her.

  “Sit down on the couch for a minute, baby,” he said walking her over. Rich, the man in charge, was already looking over the package, using his pen to move the wrappings around.

  “I’m going to call this in, with your permission, Ms. Klein. This is not a prank or someone we should be taking lightly. Do you have any idea who it might be?”

  “I don’t want to admit it, but it’s probably Vincent Domolo,” she said with a sigh.

  “Domolo huh? I’ve heard of him. Let me make the call, don’t touch anything else,” he said, then walked out to make the call on his cell phone.

  Everett had been looking over the package with Rich. He turned back to Layla and saw her sitting with her arms wrapped tight around her body.

  Taking the two steps to reach her, he scooped her into his arms and sat back down, placing her in his lap.

  “Don’t accept any more packages or deliveries in your office. Anything for you needs to go straight to security, yeah?” he said quietly, rubbing her back in slow circles.

  Layla rested her head against his shoulder and breathed in his calming scent. She managed a nod that she knew he felt.

  “You know that’s not human right?” he asked.

  “Probably pig, still disgusting,” she replied.

  “It’s fucking whack, Duchess. I think we need to put someone from your pack on you until this blows over,” he suggested.

  He could feel her start to protest and he said, “I know you can take care of yourself. I know you are one badass cougar who can kick the shit out of any human you want. But I would feel better if someone was watching your back when you are busy and I’m not around. It would take a weight off of my mind,” he said, making it sound like it was more for his benefit than hers.

  Everett was trying to be calm on the outside. Inside his cougar was scratching and roaring to get out and track this fucker down. How dare he send a fucking rotting heart to his mate. There was rejected suitor sad letters and flowers, but resorting to bloody boxes of organs was beyond needing mental help.

  “I think that is probably a good idea. I’ll call Will,” she said with a sigh. She knew this was not a lot to ask. He was actually taking this a lot calmer than she thought he would.

  “You sit right here. I want Will to see this too,” he said. Everett pulled out his phone, dialed Will’s personal number and then waited. When he picked up he simply said, “You’re needed in Layla’s office,” then hung up. His tone said everything Will would need to know.

  Rich had walked back into the room and leaned against the wall as they waited for the police and Will to make an appearance.

  Will showed first, his feet skidding to a halt as he entered and sniffed. His eyes glowed yellow, but he kept them directed at the other shifters in the room. He walked to the box and couldn’t contain the growl when he saw what was sitting on his sister’s desk.

  “Police on their way?” he asked Rich, his eyes fading to normal before addressing the human.

  “Any minute. Your sister says she has a good idea who might have sent it,” he commented.

  “We all have a good idea who sent it. But this is not someone we can go knocking on his door and asking him if he’s been delivering any organs lately. His family would take offense and I’m not wanting that kind of attention for my family or the hotel,” Will explained.

  “I understand. But I felt this was something the police should document,” Rich replied.

  “No, you were right to call them. This is too sick to not have down somewhere.” Will sighed, this was some serious bullshit. It was contained to his sister, and that was not something he was comfortable with. He looked over at Everett, he could see the rage in his eyes he was trying to hold back for his sister’s sake.

  He gave him a small nod, they would talk later.

  The police arrive and in the time it took to give her statement and the police to remove the offending box, it was time for dinner.

  Chapter 29

  “Will, do you want to join us?” Layla asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Ohh, tempting, little sis, but I’ll pass. Good luck,” he said, slapping Everett on the back.

  Layla and Everett went upstairs to change clothes, they didn’t even have time for some post stressful delivery nookie, which was a shame.

  Watching Everett slip on a pair of shorts and a T-Shirt that said, Don’t Be A Noob, she ventured into dangerous territory.

  “Everett? What do you think about doing a little shopping tomorrow?”

  “For what?” he asked, smoothing his shirt down and hunting for his sandals.

  “Well, I noticed you only brought shorts and tees and I thought since we are probably going to be having more functions to attend and what not, that you might want to just pick up some new things. You know, instead of having them shipped from home?”

  Everett looked at her and started laughing. He grabbed her into his arms and kissed her senseless.

  “What was that for?” she said, after she broke the kiss to suck in some oxygen.

  “For you trying to be diplomatic and not coming straight out and telling me I dress like a homeless dude.”

  “You don’t dress homeless, just…frat boyish,” she said, trying to find a nice way to say it.

  “It’s okay, I’ve never had a reason to dress anyway different. For you, I’ll adjust. Although, it is unbelievably hot here, so we may need to compromise a little,” he warned.

  Layla clapped her hands together, “Goody! Shopping! I’ll make some appointments for tomorrow.”

  “Appointments? We need appointments to shop for clothes?” he asked confused. He’d be happy just ordering them online. Point and click, delivery guaranteed in two days, simple.

  “Where I shop we do,” she said with a wink.

  The couple hit the lobby of the hotel, Layla clacking along in her periwinkle blue slingback sandals that matched her periwinkle blue sleeveless wrap dress. Her long blond hair she left down and curling around her shoulders.

  Everett realized he looked like a spring breaker, not the mate of this goddess on his arm. New clothes were easy and clearly would make her happy.

  They entered the restaurant and Layla greeted the hostess instead of the other way around. She told her they would find their own way and they walked through the maze of tables until they came to a secluded mirrored door in the corner. Pulling it open, Everett waited for Layla to walk through then followed.

  Inside were Layla’s parents, Grace and Russell. Her mother was looking perturbed and Russell was staring at her with amusement.

  His parents were sitting at the table, his mother looking flustered and his father appearing bored. Great, they’d been talking a while apparently.

  The parents stood and Layla and Everett went towards their own parents greeting them first. Then they switched doing the introductions the other way.

  “Layla, my aren’t you lovely, my dear. I was just telling your parents how thrilled we are to have you in the family,” Everett’s mother, Lilibeth said. She almost sounded sincere.

  Everett’s dad, Sebastian wrapped her in a big hug and just said, “Happy to meet you.”

  That was his dad, he was always the quiet one. But he always said what was important.

  “Why don’t we all sit down, there are appetizers ready so we can take a look at the menu,” Grace suggested.

  They all took their seats and it was about a half second later when Everett’s
mom made a tsking noise. “Really Everett, is this what you’ve been wearing? Whatever will the Kleins think?”

  “They will think that I was going to be spending my time in the basement of this fine hotel in a server room surrounded by computers. But rest assured mother, we are remedying the clothes situation tomorrow.”

  Grace cleared her throat, which cause all eyes to her. She took a moment to sip her wine and then said, “We are so thrilled with these two finding each other that trivial things like clothes haven’t even come to mind.” She said this so sweetly that it was a masterful camouflage of a smack down.

  Fucking brilliant, Everett thought.

  “Yes well,” Lilibeth started, then sipped her wine.

  “Fine vintage you have here Russell.” This came from Everett’s dad and was an excellent interlude which kept the woman from nipping at each other again.

  They chatted about wine and the food. Everyone seeming relaxed and having a nice time. The time finally came when they were enjoying dessert and coffee when Lilibeth finally got her in.

  “So, Layla, tell me about the wedding. You know, all the Hayes brides choose pink as their wedding color. It’s our own little tradition. You will be having pink won’t you? Also, there has to be seafood, we wouldn’t want anyone to think we aren’t throwing a proper reception. I know a great supplier, fresh caught daily. We, of course, will supply the champagne. Have you scheduled any designers for your dress? I’m sure they might be able to fit you in. A quick trip to Paris won’t take long,” Lilibeth said, finally taking a breath.

  The table was silent staring in awe at the amount of information she’d managed to toss out in one breath.

  Layla had to finish chewing her crème brulee and swallow before she could begin to run down the plans.

  “My dress is off the rack, I’ve been eyeing it a while,” Layla started.

  “Oh dear, what will people think?” Lilibeth said in a hushed tone.

  “They’ll think my bride could wear anything and look stunning, mother,” Everett interjected.

  “Well of course dear, you know what I mean,” she dismissed.

  “But you are using pink, yes? Flowers, bridesmaids dresses, you have a lovely skin tone for it,” Lilibeth tried.

  “Actually my main color is yellow, it’s my favorite. Flowers, bridesmaid dresses, even the cake will be yellow,” Layla threw in for good measure.

  Everett watched his mother purse her lips. Literally squish them together like a fish. It would be hilarious if he didn’t want to bang his fist on the table out of frustration at his mother’s interrogation.

  For each thing that Layla mentioned, from the dresses to the band to the freaking steak dinner, his mother would offer a suggestion. Kindly of course, but still the opposite of what Layla had said.

  Everett’s eyes were on Grace’s hand wrapped around her dessert spoon. At this rate, it wasn’t going to be the same shape for long. Everett decided his mother had talked enough.

  Chapter 30

  Interrupting the conversation, he looked at his mother and said, “Everything Layla wants is already in motion. She will be having the ceremony exactly as she wants. Your job, mother, is to arrange for our pack to get here. Along with the Rochons and whoever Kenzi wants to invite. There will be more than a few humans attending so all precautions need to be taken so that packs don’t make any mistakes thinking this is a shifter only event.

  I would also appreciate your support in helping Grace in the logistics of planning such a large event. I’m sure there are some tasks she would be happy to offload to you.” Everett said this knowing there were probably some choice jobs that Grace would get a kick out of sticking on his mom.

  He watched as his mother’s eyes flashed yellow and her faced flushed red. But his mother, ever the epitome of manners, simply smiled, although a strained one and said, “Of course I will help in whatever way I can Everett. You know I just want you to be happy and settled.”

  “Thank you mother, and since you brought it up, I’ll be moving here. I’ll figure out what I need from home and have it shipped out. I’ll be making trips back probably once a month to do any maintenance or updating on the systems at the winery. Other than that, I’ll come as needed.”

  His mother started to sputter. “You’re moving HERE,” she said this like it was some podunk out of the way place where they didn’t have running water.

  “Of course, my mate’s family is here and our family seems to be spreading out. Kenzi is in Washington, Dax moved there too, and Stryker is where Stryker wants to be. You’ll have an empty nest soon mother.” Everett said this softly at the end. His mother was a harridan, but she was quickly running out of children at home to torment. With him leaving she would have to start terrorizing his poor father.

  For a moment he could have sworn his mother was going to tear up. Then the look passed.

  “I suppose you are right. Our children are all meant to move on to their own lives. Sebastian dear, I think I’m tired from the flight. I think it’s time we retire to our room.”

  Sebastian knew when his wife was done and she was done. Standing up, Layla’s parents followed suit.

  Shaking Russell’s hand, he said, “Thank you for the lovely room. It’s very comfortable. You don’t golf by chance do you?”

  “I’ve been meaning to get out on the links, how about I pick you up tomorrow around ten and we hit my club?” Russell offered, thrilled to find someone else to wander around a golf course with.

  “Sounds great,” Sebastian said, shaking his hand again.

  Grace ever the hostess offered. “How about us girls get together tomorrow and go over guest lists? I figure that will warrant a meeting on its own. It’s going to be a doozy,” she said with a small laugh.

  “Am I needed?” Layla practically moaned.

  “Yes dear, I’m afraid we need you there or we will probably invite the entire shifter population of two states. You will help us stay level headed,” Grace told her. She really just didn’t want to get stuck alone with Lilibeth Hayes. Her other daughters would no doubt be missing by tomorrow morning once they heard the dragon was in town.

  “How about after Everett and I go shopping? Sometime after lunch?” she suggested. Layla really wanted a fun shopping trip followed up by a relaxing lunch with her man. Then she would delve into wedding nonsense.

  “Fine dear, as long as Everett can spare you,” her mother said sweetly.

  Everett came up behind his mate and wrapped his arms around her middle. He put his head on her shoulder and said, “I’m only letting you have her because I know you’ll keep her safe.”

  “My goodness, what on earth do you think is going to happen? Aliens come down and scoop her up?” This was from Lilibeth. Everett saw she said this as her eyes were soft on him holding his mate. Could it be? His mother’s frozen heart was thawing a bit seeing her youngest mated and happy? He might need to consult with his brothers on this one.

  “Well goodnight everyone. Russell, Grace, thank you for dinner. It was sublime. You have an amazing hotel here,” Sebastian offered.

  “Thank you, we are quite proud of it. I’ll see you in the morning,” Russell said.

  They all said their goodnights and walked out of the restaurant. Their parents said their goodbyes, Everett’s parents heading towards the elevators and Layla’s towards the entrance to their waiting car.

  “I need to check in on the club,” Layla said turning to Everett. She really wanted to head upstairs and jump her man. But work had to come first. The conversation with his mother left her with a need to release to tension.

  “Then I’ll be your bodyguard for the evening, Mrs. Hayes.”

  Layla was relieved. That stupid box shook her more than she wanted to admit. She’d thought Vincent was just an annoyance. Now he seemed much more of a danger. Her cougar was not liking this situation and Layla couldn’t ignore her instincts.

  “Thank you, I’ll feel better knowing you’re there,” she told him hones

  Everett looked around at all the people betting on the roll of the dice to make their futures. He then realized he was the lucky one.

  “I’ve always got your back, Duchess. Know it,” he said, looking into her eyes. They stared at each other a long moment before Everett guided her towards the throbbing bass of the club.

  Chapter 31

  The morning dawned bright and clear as always. Clouds were a rarity in Vegas, Everett was starting to miss them a bit. But waking up to his mate’s sweet mouth wrapped around his cock drove all thoughts of the weather away.

  Layla was moaning and sucking him so hard his toes were curling. He had wrapped his hands into her hair and was resisting tightening his fists. It felt so fucking good. She was able to take him to the back of her throat now. She’d swallow and he’d fucking see stars. It was unbelievable.

  Waking up with a boner was a hell of a thing when you had no quick way of relief. Waking up with someone sucking your cock was like winning the lottery, hitting blackjack, and yelling bingo all at once.

  “Duchess,” he warned. The tingle in his spine was building and his muscles in his legs locked. He knew she wasn’t going to let off, she never had. She’d told him his cum tasted like candy. He figured she was lying, but the way she went after it, she must like it.

  Layla increased the speed of her mouth and hands and she worked him to his peak. The first tasty spurt of cum hit the back of her throat and she swallowed around him.

  Everett couldn’t hold back the loud growl and roar that came from the first jet of cum. The following spurts were accompanied by him thrusting up into her mouth. He couldn’t help it, it was so fucking awesome.

  “God, Duchess, I fucking love you!” This was shouted at the top of his lungs.

  Layla smiled as she slid him out of her mouth. She gave him long slow licks, cleaning off every drop of his sweet cum.

  “I love you too, Everett,” she whispered, kissing the end of his cock before crawling up for a morning kiss.