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Angel_Rochon Bears Page 2
Angel_Rochon Bears Read online
Page 2
“Wow, are you old enough to be in here?” His hands around her waist hadn’t moved, and now that firm erection pressed against her belly.
She felt his hands tighten and pull her against his chest, pressing her breasts against firm muscles.
“I’m twenty-one, although I’ve been sneaking into this bar since I was seventeen.” His voice was so freaking sexy even if it was a little slurred. He leaned even lower to talk to her, but his mouth was trying to reach her neck again.
“Are you drunk?” She asked his chest, still not wanting to make eye contact. The flashing strobe lights and weird laser light flashing in the corner was probably making her look like a horror.
There was a deep laugh that she could feel into her own chest. “Yes, totally blasted. You?”
“Smashed. I was just thinking that I should go home before the downhill started.”
“Downhill?” His hands slid up her back as the music changed, but he kept up a rocking motion that was lulling her senses into compliance.
“You know, that moment when you can’t get any drunker and still feel this good. I’ve got a few hours before the headaches, nausea, and regret starts.” She tried to say this with a laugh, but it was all too true.
“I could smell you across the dance floor and had to meet you,” he said against her head. She could feel his lips and knew he was smelling her hair. Good thing she’d washed with her all-natural coconut oil shampoo this morning. She usually kept her blonde hair up in a chignon for work. It was still up, but she knew it looked good and was age appropriate.
There was a part of her non-sober brain that was trying to figure out how anyone could smell someone across a crowded bar but figured it was just an easy pick up line. That is if he thought she smelled good, which he hadn’t clarified if the smell was good or bad.
“You smelled me?” Somehow, her head had managed to lay itself on his firm chest without any thought at all. She resisted closing her eyes, because she was in a seriously happy spot right at that moment. A devastatingly handsome man who smelled amazing was holding her and telling her sweet words. Yeah, she was happy.
“I smelled coconut and woman. It’s hard to resist.”
Fair enough; there was a reason she liked coconut herself. Of course, her reasoning was that it reminded her of macaroons and Hawaii, but his reasons were good too.
The song changed up again, and Becca was surprised that time was slipping away between their conversation. The lulls of dancing were so easy to stay in. It also didn’t hurt that the man was obsessed with her neck. Placing hot kisses along the chords of her neck. It was way too personal for strangers, but alcohol could convince a woman otherwise.
She knew she needed to find Alicia and head home before she said something that she would be horribly embarrassed about tomorrow. Her words often got loose when she drank. Truth would come spilling out of her like an honesty fountain. Usually nice things but sometimes not.
“I—uh—should probably find my friend and go,” she murmured, taking a deep breath in of his scent. He was wearing a faded t-shirt that was butter soft under her cheek. It was the kind of shirt you would totally steal as a girlfriend and never give back.
“You have somewhere better to be?”
That voice practically had her eyes rolling back into her head. The hands at her back were roaming up and down, petting and pressing her deeper into him. Whenever they dipped low, his fingers brushed over her backside, and her breath would catch. Just a little touch and she was panting like a puppy.
“I should go home, take a ton of aspirin and about a gallon of water before I crash. I have to work tomorrow,” she explained.
“Or you could stay here with me. We could dance some more so I can continue to stare at your cleavage. Then we can stumble next door to the motel, and I can make love to you all night long. I bet you’d still be up in time for work.”
Damn, she wasn’t expecting that offer. Clearly, he was drunk, but so was she. It could easily turn into a bad after-school special on making life choices under the effects of alcohol: Prom Disasters or Knocked Up Nellie. Sure, those weren’t real after-school specials, but they should have been. Where were the adult ones? Drunken One-night Stands and Their Consequences or I Slept With Who?
At her age, Becca was mature enough to know the consequences of one-night stands. She’d had a few, and only a couple made her cringe.
“I should hook up with a guy when I don’t even know his name? Not to mention I’m clearly impaired in my judgment, and I’m guessing you are too. That wouldn’t be very smart.”
“My name is Angel, and no, it wouldn’t be smart. But I have a feeling you always do the right thing, the logical thing. You’re dressed like a school teacher, which is hot by the way. You and your friend came out tonight to have fun. I came out tonight to escape my life. Why don’t we escape together? No promises, no rules, just you me and half dozen condoms to find a little pleasure tonight.”
This guy was too much! “Half dozen? Aren’t you ambitious,” she said with a giggle.
“I’m young, horny, and it’s taking a lot of self-control to not hike up your skirt on this dance floor so I can get a handful of that sweet can of yours.”
Normally, Becca would scoff at the boldness and crassness of his words. But beer goggles apparently came with beer earmuffs, because his offer just made her want to giggle and blush. Shit, she was in trouble.
“You could be a mass murderer trying to lure me away to my death.”
She glanced up to see the man named Angel’s chin tip back as he whistled at the bartender. Becca turned towards the bar and saw the bartender look at them. Whatever gesture Angel gave him caused the bartender to laugh, nod his head, and give Becca the okay sign. Like that was supposed to reassure her.
As his head came back to hers, she dropped her eyes again and stared at his chest. “I’m supposed to take the okay from a bartender that you’re not a crazy person?”
“Well, how about the fact that my last name is Rochon, and there is nowhere in this town for me to hide.”
Chapter 4
Shit, he was a Rochon. Everyone in town knew the Rochons. Hell, half of the town had that last name. He was right. There was no place for him to hide and Becca had met plenty of the big burly men of the family when they came into her office. They all were family men and probably didn’t tolerate any shenanigans from their younger family members.
“I guess in this town that last name does come with some clout.”
“Not clout, just a big, nosy family that wouldn’t allow anyone to step out of line. So how about you go tell your friend that you are coming with me for the night, and we go find a way to get to know each other better?”
“Wow, that wasn’t even a good line,” she said mockingly.
Becca was torn. Sweaty, sexy fun with a hot guy was not something she got a lot of opportunity to have. But what about in the morning? Would he wake up and be horrified that he’d spent the night with someone her age? That would be even a bigger blow to her ego that was a little tender at the moment.
“Wouldn’t you rather find someone your own age? There are lots of cute, young girls in here staring at you. I’m sure they’d probably be more your speed.” She wasn’t sure what she meant by his speed exactly, but she was having a harder time forming her sentences.
“Those girls are vapid and whiny. I’m looking for a woman, and I found the sexiest one in here. I’m not trading down.”
Becca couldn’t help the little smile that slid across her face. In the darkened bar, even with the amount of flesh showing on the younger crowd around her, he’d picked her. That was not bad for her ego at all.
“What’s your name, so I can make sure you aren’t some crazy woman playing coy to lure me away?”
“Rebecca, and don’t even think of calling me Becky, or I’ll cut you,” she said with a laugh. “Becca is fine, though.”
“Got it, no Becky. So what do you say? I may be drunk, but I promise I wo
n’t let you down tonight. We can have a great night together and then go along with our lives, facing tomorrow with a great memory to get us through the next few days at least.”
She liked that he was offering her strictly sex. It was refreshing to not have to play out the long game. Talking about work, hobbies, and such over a mediocre meal. Instead, a little booze, a little music and an offer for sex. Maybe it was her age, or life experiences, that allowed her to separate sex from emotions. Not sure what that made her, other than an adult.
“Give me a minute, yeah?”
Becca pushed away from his arms and turned to walk back to her table. She realized she’d been leaning on the handsome Angel so much that she’d completely lost her ability to balance herself. Focusing on putting one foot in front of the other, she made it back to the high-top Alicia sat at grinning like a fool.
“Cradle robber!” she exclaimed a little too loudly.
“Dude, shut up! I am not. He’s legal, he can drink, and he likes my ass. He wants me to go to the motel with him. What do you think? Am I crazy?”
“Yeah, crazy lucky! He’s smoking! So what? Have a little fun, make sure he wraps his willy, and I’ll see you in the morning. Did you at least get his name?”
“Ummm—yes—Angel Rochon.” Becca couldn’t stop the blush moving across her cheeks.
“Oh, a Rochon! Well, those are some fine specimens. I imagine this one has a little growing to do, but based on the ones I’ve met, there is some serious hunk potential there. Go have fun and get your groove on. I’ll cab it home,” Alicia told her.
“Are you sure I’m not making a huge mistake?” Becca really needed another brain working through this potential catastrophe with her.
“Well, I’m drunk but not smashed. So as the more sober one, I’m going to say have fun, be safe, and tell me all about it in the morning.”
“Argh! Just promise me donuts and mochas in the morning. I’m going to need the fat and sugar to get over this hangover that I know is coming.”
“Well, I can cover breakfast, but let’s hope that the hangover isn’t the only thing that ends up coming tonight,” Alicia snickered.
“Hussy,” Becca said affectionately.
Grabbing her purse, she turned around and saw Angel standing on the dance floor, this time sporting a black baseball cap with a bill that was heavily curved liked it had been folded in half. He must have had it stuck in his back pocket. Becca had seen guys do that before and thought it looked kinda hot.
Now his face was shadowed even more, which made him look sinister but in a panty dampening way.
She couldn’t seem to meet his eyes because she knew she would just die of embarrassment. Maybe if she didn’t look directly at him, she’d be able to file this evening away as a great memory without any emotional connection to him. Becca could never look into a pair of eyes without getting attached, be it a person or an animal. Hence, her busy schedule of volunteering. If she could figure out how to keep an alpaca in her tiny yard, she would.
“Ready to go?” He grabbed her free hand and gave it a squeeze.
“No, but let’s go.” The list of reasons she wasn’t ready to go were clicking through her head. Too young for a start. He said he was legal, but she hadn’t checked his ID. What if he was terrible in bed? Her own I told you so’s would be monumental. There was only a microscopic chance this would all work out. That was more of a chance than she’d had in a while, so leaping first with the aid of hard alcohol was making the choice for her.
With a laugh, he started walking them to the entrance.
“I sent a message to the motel owner. There is a key waiting that I’ll grab. I didn’t want you to get embarrassed waiting to check in.”
Damn, that was thoughtful. “Thanks. I hadn’t really thought about that.”
“No problem. I’ll be two seconds,” he assured her.
“You know the motel owner?” She couldn’t help but ask. Did he do this often? Pick up older women in the bar and tag them in the motel? Eww, that was not cool.
“I used to go to school with the owner’s son. He works there now covering the night shifts,” he explained.
Phew, that was a relief. Buddies with the motel guy—that wasn’t so bad.
They walked out into the crisp night air. The trees and mountains surrounding the little town of Apex made the nights cool no matter how warm the day had been. The scent of pine trees and moss were a constant there. Becca took in a deep lungful of the cleansing scent and felt a tiny bit of soberness creep in from the extra oxygen.
She was being pulled along at a fair clip like Angel was in a hurry or something. That was flattering too. Becca was starting to think she was easily impressed.
Logic told her she was being rushed to a motel in the dark from a bar where she had imbibed way too much alcohol. Her pussy, that had gotten revved up on the dance floor, was telling her to not blow this opportunity. They could have an evening that would at least be better than nothing. Becca hadn’t had a good orgasm that wasn’t self-induced in almost two years. Even then her ex had been a hit or miss kind of guy when it came to that. At the end of their relationship, she was faking it most of the time. Sneaking off to the bathroom to finish herself off while he snored in the middle of her bed.
Something told her Angel wasn’t the kind of guy that would leave her hanging. He had more than one condom, and she really hoped he was trying to set some kind of new record.
Chapter 5
Angel walked her across the parking lot to the end of the line of motel doors. The motel was a standard L-shape layout. It had an office at one end and with room doors facing the parking lot. It was freshly painted and didn’t look scary or like something out of a bad movie. Becca knew that come peak tourist season it was booked out in advance since it was so close to a number of hiking trails in the area.
Stopping in front of room ten, the light by the top of the doorframe cast a shadow over Angel’s face, leaving just his sexy mouth highlighted. Becca looked to the parking lot and cleared her throat. The fresh air was having a sobering effect, and she was starting to get nervous.
“I’ll go get the key. You’re going to be here when I get back, aren’t you?”
“Uh-huh, sure I am,” she said, her voice wavering a bit. She hadn’t really thought of leaving, but there was no way she could live with herself running out on this guy and skittering off into the dark. That was not her, besides, there was still potential for this to be fun and drunk Becca still had control of her limbs.
Instead of Angel turning his back and heading towards the office, he put both hands on her hips and pushed her up against the door.
Becca gasped and stared at his throat.
“I swear, you wait for me, and I will make it worth your while.” The low husky voice promised her dark and delicious things.
Angel leaned in, and Becca closed her eyes the minute she realized he was going to make contact. The gasp as their lips touched allowed him to apply enough pressure to have Becca opening her mouth under his. His tongue swept in and fucking devastated any remaining senses she had.
It was fan-fucking-tastic.
He kissed like a twenty-one year old. All tongue, heat, and just enough naked aggression to send Becca spinning.
She remembered kissing like this in high school. There was always a sense of desperation and urgency when you kissed. It was a mix of it feeling amazing along with the surge of hormones and a healthy dose of pure hunger.
This was a kiss that was better than all the alcohol she had already consumed. It burned over her, his hands on her waist, his chest pressed against hers. She couldn’t help but grab onto his shoulders and moan into his mouth. His kiss was evaporating the pleasant intoxication she had been feeling. She felt his kiss everywhere. Like her skin didn’t want to be left out of this kiss, neither did her lungs, her pussy, hell her toes were even perking up.
He tasted like dark brown liquor and something sweet. The kiss kept going, hands started roaming, a
nd Becca felt his hips press deeper into her, his cock rubbing the spot between her legs that was very needy.
Pulling away, Angel dropped his forehead to her shoulder. “Goddamn, baby. How the hell do you kiss like that and are single?”
Becca was reminding herself how to breathe. He had sucked the air from her lungs with that kiss, and she was drunker now than a few minutes ago.
“You never asked if I was single,” she managed to gasp.
“Fuck, are you married?” His head came off her shoulder.
Dropping her own head to his chest, she rolled it back and forth over his firm pec. “No, single, free and clear,” she said with a giggle. Her body felt like it was on fire. She could feel the heat between her legs and was mentally preparing herself for the rest of the night if that kiss was any indication of Angel’s abilities.
“Okay, I need that key before I do something inappropriate to you in the parking lot.” He stepped back from her, paused for a moment and then gave her waist a squeeze before turning and jogging towards the office.
With a hiccup and a giggle, Becca said to no one in particular, “He must be in a hurry.”
She’d just made out with a guy that she really hoped wasn’t young enough to be her son. It was a great kiss; there was no denying that. She really should bail and call a cab to get herself home. What would be worse, regretting spending the night with this total stranger or sitting at home feeling pathetic that she wasn’t brave enough to take a chance?
Drunk Becca totally won out since she was currently bouncing around in her head like a horny maniac.
She watched Angel jog back from the office, his body moving in slow motion. He probably wasn’t moving that slowly, but her brain had him on the beach, shirtless and flicking his wet hair back. Wow, she was still really drunk.
Turning and facing the door, Becca saw his hand come to the knob of the door the same time she felt a warm hand at the bottom of her back.