Jingle Bears: A Pacific Northwest Bear Novella: (Shifter Romance) Page 3
Chapter 6
“No, we’re making gingersnaps, sorry Jinger I couldn’t resist,” Sophie said laughing at her sister-in-law.
“Fine, fine, but we aren’t making that spotted dick stuff. I don’t care how traditional it is. I can’t eat something named that,” Jinger said with a frown.
“I’m working on the sugar cookies with icing. The babies will love those. Micah can help do sprinkles when they are ready,” Connie said from the other side of the kitchen.
“Sprinkles!” Micah shouted from his pen. Both twins had shifted and were now ganging up on him. He must have been being very bossy.
Each woman had secured her own space. Kenzi was in charge of stirring. Her culinary skills weren’t the best. Jinger had a tube of cookie dough in front of her and was eating more of it raw than actually cutting cookies.
Sophie was looking at her list. “We still need to make my friend Tiffani’s chocolate snowball cookies which are aces. Shortbread cookies, toffee chip cookies, and coconut squares,” she said with a big smile like it was the best day ever. For Sophie cooking with her new family was aces.
“You know they sell big trays of pretty cookies at the store,” Jinger said around a mouthful of dough.
“It’s tradition!” Sophie said in a shocked voice. “We bake cookies, the guys put up the tree, and then we all decorate it. Right, mom?” she asked turning to Connie to make sure she was on her side.
“Yes dear, exactly like that,” Connie smiled indulgently. She was scooping up icing onto tiny plastic baby spoons and casually walking towards the pen. One happy toddler and two tiny bears were quickly licking at the sticky sweet icing.
“Mom,” Cage growled from the couch.
“Oh hush, you’re not the boss of me. Hell, your father isn’t even the boss of me,” Connie said with a sniff and went back to the kitchen. She should have taken the spoons with her because the twins had shifted back to human and were pummeling poor Micah with them.
Micah gave the girls a tiny growl, and they broke into peals of laughter.
There was a knocking on the front door. “I’ll get it,” Wyatt said jumping up.
He walked into the entry way and pulled open the front door.
“Got room for two more?” Everett asked.
“Everett?!” Kenzi squealed from the kitchen. She came running full tilt for her brother and jumped into his arms.
“What are you doing here? I thought you couldn’t leave the hotel?” Kenzi excitedly asked as she hopped down and scooped her sister-in-law Layla into her arms.
“It’s good to know the boss,” Layla said with a laugh. Since Layla’s family owned the hotel and casino that she and Everett worked in, it probably wasn’t too hard to get some time off.
“Come on in, the family’s inside. And I mean all of them,” Wyatt warned.
Everett shook hands with all the men, minus Edward, who still hadn’t woken from his nap. The girls all excitedly chatted, Layla picked up each baby and snuggled them.
“Wanna help bake?” Sophie asked Layla.
“Hmm, not really the baking type. I’m killer at making reservations, though. How about I keep the babies entertained and chat with you ladies since you seem to have everything under control,” Layla suggested wisely. She barely knew how to boil water.
“So where are the rest of the Hayes boys? Late as usual?” Layla said giving Kenzi a wink.
“They’ll be along, I think Dax and Effie are flying in, and Stryker and Libby are driving up. They should be here anytime! Layla, you and Everett can stay with Kenzi. Stryker and Libby are going over with Wyatt and Jinger, and Dax and Effie are staying here with us,” Connie gave the run down.
“Whew, lots of people!” Layla laughed. Getting sucked into the Rochon/Hayes world was surreal. Her pack was big enough, but now her world was positively bulging.
About a half hour later there was another knock at the door. “That must be Dax,” Wyatt said, jumping up to do door duty again.
There was silence when he made it to the door; then some quiet conversation could be heard. Wyatt walked back into the room with his eyes big as saucers and a scary looking grin on his face.
“There is my girl!” A feminine voice came from behind Wyatt. Lilibeth Hayes stepped around the large man and walked straight into the living room towards Kenzi.
Kenzi was staring, mouth open at her mother, dressed in a burgundy pencil skirt and white silk blouse. Her hair was up in a classic chignon, and she had her best pearls at her neck. Everyone else was in country casual, jeans and long sleeve shirts. It was freaking winter for Pete’s sake, not the tea room at the Four Seasons.
“Mom! What are you doing here?” Kenzi sputtered. Conner had made his way to behind his mate in a flash. Lilibeth Hayes was not known for her warm and fuzzy demeanor. In fact, she was a horrible mother-in-law. She’d screwed up Dax and Effie’s courtship, she said some not very nice things to Layla when she and Everett were courting. Which Layla being Layla, smacked her down hardcore. Now she was crashing a family Christmas.
Kenzi was still wrapped in her mother’s hug as Lilibeth spied Conner. “There’s my son-in-law!” Poor Conner was grabbed into her arms and hugged. His eyes went from protective bear to pleading for help to his brothers.
Cage looked at Kenzi’s dad Sebastian. Her dad just shrugged. “I have no idea. We got back from Vegas and her run-in with Layla, and she sulked for a week. Then she went off to Sedona for a month to some spa. She came back like that,” he said pointing to her.
“Layla! Darling, it’s so good to see you. Give me a hug!” Lilibeth grabbed Layla after she let go of Conner, and this time Layla was actually looking at her husband mouthing the word, “Help!”
There were a few quiet snickers from those that couldn’t control themselves and tried to cover with throat clearing or a cough.
“Now where is my grandson?” Lilibeth said, practically shoving Layla off of her.
Edward had woken up at all the commotion and was protectively holding King to his chest. He looked over at Conner, who gave him a reluctant head nod. Edward handed a still sleepy but now awake Kingston over to Lilibeth.
“Oh my, you’ve gotten big! Have you missed your Grandmother Hayes? Hmm?” Lilibeth cooed at the boy.
Chapter 7
Raised eyebrows and confused glances passed around the room. Sebastian sat on the couch and shook his head at his wife, even with a smile on his face.
“We have a hotel in town, no worries on that count, Edward,” Sebastian said. “She wanted to surprise the kids. I’m guessing you are surprised.”
Edward reached over and shook his hand, “Family is family, no matter how crazy. Have you met Conner?”
“Hey! I heard that,” Conner yelled at his dad.
“Meant you to, son,” Edward returned.
Once the shock of the newest visitors wore off, it was no surprise when Dax and Effie walked in without knocking.
“Didn’t think you’d be able to hear me knock with all the chatter in here,” he called out.
“I don’t even have bionic shifter ears, and we could hear you guys outside!” Effie laughed.
“Sweetie, they aren’t bionic,” Dax said, poking her in the ribs.
Effie scanned the room and had to do a double-take when she saw Lilibeth with one of Wyatt and Jinger’s twins on her hip. The baby was playing with her necklace, and she didn’t seem to care a whit.
“Your mother is here,” Effie whispered to him, clutching his arm. Effie and Lilibeth did not get along. Yes, her mother-in-law had apologized for being horrible to her, but it didn’t mean Effie had to like her.
“I can see that. Don’t worry, I’ve got your back, baby,” Dax said, giving her a kiss on her neck.
“Don’t tease,” Effie hissed. “Where’s King? Do you think she ate him?” She got a sideways look from her mate on that one.
Dax walked in and patted his dad on his shoulder, “Dad?”
“What can I say, it’s your moth
er,” Sebastian said like that was enough of an explanation.
Lilibeth was making her way over to them still with a baby on her hip. Kenzi had taken King to change his diaper, and as soon as Lilibeth’s hands were empty she snatched up another baby. This made Jinger and Wyatt nervous until she started cooing at the baby and letting drool pool on her fine silk blouse.
“Dax, honey, you look nice,” his mother said kissing a cheek.
“Effie, sweetheart, aren’t you looking festive!” Lilibeth gave her a kiss on her cheek. Effie wasn’t sure if she was wearing some kind of poison lipstick or something. She felt the need to rub her cheek.
Effie glanced down at her black tights with white skulls patterned over them. She had slipped on a pair of black ankle boots that had a three-inch heel. Her stretchy black knee-length skirt was topped off with a cherry red cardigan. She even had a tiny red Santa hat clipped into her hair that was sporting red marabou feathers.
“Uh, thanks?” Effie replied. She didn’t have to like her, but she’d be damned if she was going to be the rude one.
Dax looked around the room. “Where’s Cage and Sophie?”
Everyone glanced around, and Connie finally pointed to the walk-in pantry. There were rustling sounds, and the door opened. A now flushed faced, messy haired Sophie strolled out with Cage behind her sporting a satisfied grin on his face.
“Seriously? We keep food in there,” Wyatt complained.
“Wyatt, no cookies for you,” Sophie glared at him.
Wyatt stuck his tongue out at Sophie then caught Cage’s eye. Cage was looking pretty pleased with himself. Wyatt wondered if he could sneak Jinger into the pantry too. Looking for his mate, he found her giving him a look that said she was way ahead of him. Damn, it was good to be him.
“Dax dear, where is Effie’s little friend? What was her name? Candace?” Lilibeth asked. She’d managed to switch Maizy for Mallory and was now sitting next to her husband bouncing the baby on her knee.
“Well, she’s just coming to terms with the whole cougar shifter thing after Everett’s wedding. We thought tiny bear cubs running around might be too much. Besides she’s got big plans to party out with the roller derby girls and get smashed with the guys she works with. Typical Cassie stuff,” Effie explained.
“Oh yes, Cassie. Wasn’t her hair orange the last time I saw her?” Lilibeth looked like she was actually trying to remember.
“Yup, now it’s green with blue tips,” Effie said with a laugh. She missed her bestie. But she also knew that keeping a shifter secret meant all shifters. Even to Cassie. She wasn’t supposed to find out about the cougars let alone bears, but then she crashed the after party at the wedding. Boy, did Effie get an earful over that. Since then she’d been obsessed with Dax’s twin brothers. She was hoping to get the shifter hook-up with one of them. They both had found their mates, so Effie thought Cassie was a little bummed at being left out. She didn’t put up much of a protest about not coming.
So party central with her other friends, loud music, shots, and knowing Cass, another tattoo by the time they got home. Hopefully something she did while sober.
“Damn woman, how many more people we going to fit in this house?” Edward boomed out.
Connie started counting. “Just two more, well two and a half,” Connie amended.
“Oh, have you seen my new granddaughter?” Lilibeth asked Edward.
“Nope, but if she looks anything like her grandma, then I’m sure she’s a looker,” Edward flirted.
A loud snort and heads turned to see Layla getting patted on the back from Jinger after she choked on her soda. Kenzi leaned over the large island, her head in her hands looking shell-shocked at her mother.
“Oh, puhlease,” Connie mumbled under her breath and continued cutting out sugar cookies.
As if they heard them talking about them, there was another knock at the door. This time, Conner went for the door. He walked back in holding a tiny little bundle. How he’d snatched Stryker and Libby’s baby so fast was a mystery.
“Ohh there she is! You’ve got your own, hand over my little Harley,” Lilibeth said, depositing Maizy in her husband’s lap.
She was up off the couch, had the baby snatched from Conner and was giving Stryker and Libby both hugs. Then she turned and went around showing off her new granddaughter.
Stryker gave everyone a chin lift and his brothers a grunt before following Libby around as she greeted everyone. Libby had a list of crazy hippie names for their daughter before she was born. The boy names were even worse. She wanted to name her Daisy, but Stryker vetoed that because Daisy and Maizy would get confusing at social gatherings. Libby vetoed him naming her Vulcan after his motorcycle. The compromise was Harley, and Stryker didn’t think the name could fit her any better. She was stunning, expensive, and loud.
Chapter 8
Connie had reclaimed King in his cute little outfit, and now both grandmas were cooing back and forth between the babies.
“I never thought I’d see the day,” Effie said, sliding her arms around Layla’s waist. Layla was her second best friend since Cassie was her first. Libby came up and laid her head on Effie’s shoulder. Effie leaned back into her third best friend. These women were her life now. She’d beat the shit out of anyone that tried to hurt them.
Being that her crazy mother-in-law was currently not acting crazy, she was very perplexed. “What do you think Leelee?” Effie asked Layla quietly.
“I have no fucking clue. Alien abduction? Demon possession?” she whispered.
“What? I don’t get it?” Libby said quietly.
“No, you wouldn’t. You got off sooo lucky you have no idea. I think Lilibeth has always been on the fence with Stryker. She knew if she ever pushed him too far, he’d be gone. So after tormenting me and then Layla, which Leelee, thanks for taking her down a notch. You got sweet, normal mother-in-law,” Effie explained.
Libby watched Connie and Lilibeth, who’d she gotten to meet at Harley’s pack welcome. The Hayes had pulled the pack together for a huge fancy catered affair. Everyone got to meet the newest addition, and Dax formally welcomed her to the pack. Along with Libby’s parents were also a contingent of Rochons. It seemed there were always cougars at bear events now just the same as there were bears at the cougar events.
“She’s always been nice to me. She was really excited when they found out we were expecting. She even met my parents and didn’t run away when my mom wanted to read her palm,” Libby said still whispering.
She decided to leave out the part where her mother said that Lilibeth’s fractured aura was worse than Stryker’s, and she’d done a full cleanse on her when she wasn’t looking. She also slipped healing crystals into her purse before Lilibeth had left. Her mom said that even though it seemed to be that Lilibeth had re-aligned her chakras in Sedona, a little extra maintenance work couldn’t hurt.
“I’m gonna have to go with alien abduction,” Effie said finally like she was really pondering the possibilities.
Their eyes trained on the grandmas they shouldn’t have been surprised when Connie and Lilibeth turned to them.
“Girls, I had a lot of trouble coming to grips with the fact my boys were growing up. I was always the woman in their life, and I didn’t want to give up that position. I realize now I was wrong and treated you abominably. I’m working on being a better person because my grandchildren need to have a good role model. It wasn’t aliens,” Lilibeth said, her manicured eyebrow raised at Effie.
“That’s just what someone being controlled by an alien would say,” Layla said, looking at her mother-in-law with skeptical eyes.
“Well, I’ll just have to show you then. Give me time, I’m learning new coping skills,” Lilibeth declared.
“Huh, yeah, I got nothing,” Effie said, squeezing Layla. “Connie, make sure she doesn’t turn green and eat the babies.”
Connie started laughing, “I’ll do that.”
Layla turned around to give Effie a proper hug and stopp
ed just short. She sniffed then sniffed again, her eyes narrowing. She grabbed Effie’s hand and dragged her to the pantry that was luckily empty.
They returned after a few minutes and managed to meld back into the group with only Dax and Everett seeing them sneak off.
The family all settled in, cookies were still coming in and out of the oven. Wyatt and Jinger had managed to slip off into the pantry while no one was looking. After Connie had laid out a lunch time feast that included every kind of lunch meat, rolls, and about a dozen different salads, the kids were put down for naps.
Connie started handing out Santa hats. She had enough for everyone, even Lilibeth. As expected, the boys started fighting over the light up one and the musical one. Sophie retrieved her cute elf one she’d hidden away earlier. Sophie slid her hat on and hummed Christmas tunes while she ladled the eggnog into cute holiday cups. She’d devised a system beforehand. The ones with holly on them had a little extra booze slipped in, and the ones with ornaments on them were plain. She made sure Connie and her husband got ones with extra booze. “Where’s Conner? He doesn’t get to get out of this,” Cage said, looking around.
“Uh, I think his mate dragged him down the hall earlier,” Edward remarked.
“Oh nuh-uh, they can use the pantry like everyone else,” Wyatt growled. He started heading down the hallway when he spun and walked back into the great room holding his stomach in a silent laugh.
Kenzi came skipping around the corner and behind her was a very sullen looking Santa Claus. The whole outfit, red suit, black buckle, even the beard.
No one could resist chuckling at Conner, who looked sorely abused in his role as the jolly old man.
“Dude, she has you by the balls. Does she keep them in her purse? Do you get to borrow them occasionally?” Wyatt asked once he caught his breath.
“Bite me, asshole,” Conner barked.